While you explore this website and learn more about GPMS, we, its Divine Representatives, are busy growing and expanding GPMS for the highest and greatest good of Humanity and all  Life on Earth, as we have done since our Divine Inception in 2022. Find out more about GPMS and how you can join us below.


  • After finally surrendering to "self acceptance" early in 2019, I was divinely guided for a period for further oversight information, before becoming aware of the Ascension overseer role, Divine designation in the least, as the ascended master I am. Having learned in more depth, of the nature of the "control systems" and those "in charge", and the suffering and torment this has and is causing, in the least,


    was the ONLY true option available for humanity, that was truly possible, and not only that, rightful and just, threatening and blaming no one.

    GPMS is the self acceptance for humanity, as divinely 2019 was for I.

    Click HERE to join GPMS.